******IMPORTANT: READ CAREFULLY****** Dear Custom Facebook Business Page Customer ––> Please fill out the following Questionnaire as complete as possible and please take this step seriously. (BIG TIP BEFORE YOU START: BEFORE YOU HIT THE "START BUILDING MY CUSTOM FACEBOOK BUSINESS PAGE BUTTON" AT THE END OF THE QUESTIONNAIRE, BE SURE TO BACK UP YOUR TEXT ANSWERS ON A WORD DOCUMENT OR TEXT DOCUMENT TO HAVE AS A BACKUP FOR YOUR RECORDS AND ALSO JUST IN CASE THE INTERNET DECIDES TO ACT UP ON US... IT DOES HAPPEN UNFORTUNATELY.) The information you provide here will be the exact information we will use to set up and populate your Custom Facebook Business Page for you while you're doing what you do best (running your business). So please pay extra close attention to the directions in the form below as they will guide you through the entire process in an easy-to-follow manner. ----->>>> IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS QUESTIONNAIRE, email info@cogentdigitalagency.com with your questions and a team member will get back to your shortly. Thank you! The Cogent Digital Agency Team ******IMPORTANT: READ CAREFULLY******