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6 Facebook Marketing Tips & Strategies To Enhance Facebook Engagement

Increase Facebook Engagement with These Simple Tips & Strategies

With a constant flow of changes to Facebook since its inception, brands on Facebook today cannot rely on fan-gated content to appeal to their target market… they need Facebook marketing tips and strategies that actually encourage more engagement on the social media powerhouse. The relevancy of content on Facebook is very important in getting a slice of the user’s time spent online. For companies and brands, Facebook offers community engagement and customer relationship building avenues.

Climbing the ladder of Facebook engagement requires posting visual content along with interactive elements. The more your fans interact with you, the more reach you will have among your desired target market.

Building a Facebook community requires dedication, effort and strategy to attract new people and to keep those who have liked your page. The major challenge is to encourage interaction from those who have become your fans so that an active online community can be maintained.  This can be done by posting compelling content on your timeline.


Highlight The Best Through Milestones

The Timeline feature has made it possible to add content to any point in time. A brand page can have important events and achievements in its timeline. This brand story coupled with pictures can be used to create brand engagement and enhance the brand image. (Tip: If you run/own a brick-and-mortar business, create a milestone for the first day you opened your doors. This exactly what Ben & Jerry‘s did with a milestone on their Facebook Timeline.

Ben & Jerry's uses Highlighted Milestone effectively on Facebook

Pin Posts At The Top Of The Page

It is highly likely that people who end up browsing your page might find your content interesting enough for them to like the page. By pinning those posts on your Facebook Business Page that you want people to see when they first land on your page, you might just be able to draw their attention to the right elements. Pinned post below is from How To Market Your Horse Business Facebook Page.

Pin A Facebook Post to Keep It At Top of Your Page

Photos Say Much More Than You Say

Pictures appeal more than plain text when users browse through their news feed. Using interesting pictures that are worth a pause along with questions to entice customer responses is a great way to drive traffic. For instance, National Geographic posted a photograph of a laid back kangaroo and asked fans to respond with a photo caption.

National Geographic Enticing Engagement from User on Facebook

Who Doesn’t Love Contests?

Contests are always fun because they arouse excitement among loyal fans to receive exciting gifts and discounts.  Facebook contests make fans visit the page even more often to track the results and get sweepstakes. Example below is from Dunkin Donuts.  (FYI: All Facebook Contents need to abide by Facebook Promotions Guidelines)

Successfully Run A Facebook Contest for More Engagement

Get Them In The Social Game

Social gaming not only attracts high volumes of users, it also engages those players for long periods of time. By integrating your brand with the social game through fun facts, calls-to-action, and giveaways, you can achieve your goals of fan growth and engagement.

Fill In The Blanks

Right from school tests to Facebook timelines, Fill in the Blanks are platforms where fans can use their creativity to react and interact with the posts just like JetBlue Airways did with their Facebook Post below (measurements provided by Simply Measured).

Entice more Facebook Engagement by using Fill in the Blank PostsSimply Measured shows how Jetblue benefited from Fill in the Blank FB Posts

If you company or brand is looking to enhance it’s Facebook engagement with your target audience, try some of the Facebook marketing tips and strategies listed above. You never know… this may be just what you needed to get your Facebook Business Page’s party started!

Posted in: Facebook Marketing, Online Lead Generation, Social Media Marketing