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Website Development That Attracts More Customers

A successful business website is a powerful marketing tool that can help you create the online business funnel and business automation you’ve always wanted for your local business. Imagine your website generating phone calls for the purpose of scheduling appointments all on autopilot. Or imagine your website generating a consistent flow of new leads through a simple email opt-in lead capture form.

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Before you can even get started on the development of your website, you must ask yourself a few really important questions:

  • What’s the goal of your website? If someone lands on your website, what EXACTLY do you want them to do? (hint: your answer should not include the word “or” – your website should have one consistent goal)
  • Who is the specific target market you want to serve and become the answer to their problems?
  • What is the specific action you want your website visitors to take?
  • Why should your website visitors believe or trust what you tell them?

QUESTION: How do you turn your website visitors into customers?

ANSWER: Create Online Business Funnels That Work On Autopilot… Even In Your Sleep

Once our website development team understands the specific goal of your business website, we can get to work on the ‘essential fundamentals and functionality’ needed to create a website that satisfies 2 major groups: (1) The Search Engines and (2) Your Website Visitors. The essential fundamentals are:

  • Website Usability: the website and its applications must be user-friendly.
  • Website Appearance: graphics and text will include a single style that flows throughout to show consistency. The style is professional, appealing and relevant to your target market.
  • Website Architecture / Structure: the website as a whole must be easy to navigate for website visitors and the search engines robots.

How Does The Cogent Digital Agency Website Development Team Do Things Differently From The ‘Typical’ Website Developer Offering To Build Your Website:

  • We Develop Websites With Results In Mind (we hear a lot business owners say they have “spent thousands of dollars to have a beautiful website built, but it doesn’t bring in any extra revenue” — Typical Website Designers and Graphic Artists Do Not Understand Marketing — THIS IS KEY!).
  • Tracking Your Activity will help you understand how your website visitors interact with your website (now-a-days this is required! Tracking is how you measure whats working and not working – then you adjust).
  • Custom Website Lead Capture Systems helping to build lists of qualified prospects (on autopilot).
  • Integrating Automated Follow Up Systems because most people don’t buy the first time they ‘meet’ you (whether that’s online or offline) and so you’ll need a reliable, well crafted follow up system to convert leads into sales!
  • ‘How To Use Your Website’ Training — We empower our clients to learn how to make basic edits, add blog posts, create new pages, etc. This is great for solopreneurs or inhouse staff running your marketing for you.




Are you’re looking to develop a new business website that attracts, educates and assists new interested business prospects and current customers with the exact information they need when they need it… all done automatically?

If your answer is “YES,” Call (888) 508-5151 Today or use this Contact Form to get in touch with the LPM Website Development Team to learn more about how we can help you build the best website specifically for YOUR business goals.