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Category : Facebook Marketing

6 Facebook Marketing Tips & Strategies To Enhance Facebook Engagement

December 3rd, 2012 | Posted in: Facebook Marketing, Online Lead Generation, Social Media Marketing

With a constant flow of changes to Facebook since its inception, brands on Facebook today cannot rely on fan-gated content to appeal to their target market… they need Facebook marketing tips and strategies that actually encourage more engagement on the social media powerhouse. The relevancy of content on Facebook is very important in getting a […]


3 Facebook Business Mistakes You Can’t Afford to Make

June 19th, 2012 | Posted in: Facebook Marketing, Local Business Marketing, Social Media Marketing

Nowadays, most businesses are well aware of the marketing potential of Facebook and have at least a Facebook business page started there. Considering that there are nearly a billion members on Facebook, the potential reach of the social site is absolutely staggering on a local, national and international scale. Still, you can’t just post a […]

Facebook Social Plugins and Business

Facebook Social Plugins For Business Enhances Marketing

March 15th, 2012 | Posted in: Facebook Marketing, Local Business Marketing, Social Media Marketing

Ever wonder how to integrate your Facebook page with your business website, or any other entity you want to put a Facebook Like Button or a Facebook Like Box on. This video is going to show you all of the available social plugins for the social media giant. Facebook Business Social Plugins Video Tutorial […]

Profits and Revenue Disappearing

Are You Leaving Money on the Table This Way?

April 26th, 2011 | Posted in: Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Facebook Marketing, List Building, Local Business Marketing, Online Lead Generation, Pay Per Click, Search Engine Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Web Video, Website Development

Are you using clear, concise, direct calls-to-actions in your online marketing? The reason why I’m asking this today is because I see far too often businesses build big, beautiful, robust internet marketing campaigns and then when it comes to action time, they don’t firmly state what the next step is for their target audience to […]

dog yawns at boring marketing

Is Your Marketing Boring?

February 28th, 2011 | Posted in: Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Facebook Marketing, List Building, Local Business Marketing, Online Lead Generation, Social Media, Web Video

If you’re not sure if your marketing is boring, here’s a simple test: look and think about your business’s marketing pieces and campaigns. Now do the same with some of your competitor’s marketing materials. Do they look the same? If they do, this is probably not a good place to be.. Put yourself in your […]

good tracking avoid a mess

Avoid this Deadly Internet Marketing Sin at ALL Costs!

November 29th, 2010 | Posted in: Email Marketing, Facebook Marketing, Online Lead Generation, Pay Per Click, Search Engine Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Tracking & Analytics

Tracking your marketing is incredibly vital to the overall success to any business, especially online. And when you incorporate a simple tool like Google Analytics in order to gather data about how people are finding your website, how long they are staying on your website and what pages they are visiting on your website, you […]


Facebook: An Exciting New Marketing Tool for Your Website and Business

September 18th, 2010 | Posted in: Facebook Marketing, Online Lead Generation

Social networking has caught up fast as the Web 2.0 phenomenon gained momentum. Facebook has surpassed even Myspace as the most popular social networking website. Everyone you know, of all ages, is on Facebook. Facebook tears down walls separating people and lets them come together sociably in a common forum. This has proven beneficial to […]