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Facebook: An Exciting New Marketing Tool for Your Website and Business

Social networking has caught up fast as the Web 2.0 phenomenon gained momentum. Facebook has surpassed even Myspace as the most popular social networking website. Everyone you know, of all ages, is on Facebook. Facebook tears down walls separating people and lets them come together sociably in a common forum. This has proven beneficial to online marketers since it gives them a very effective and civil way to contact people with an interest in their products. If you’re a marketer who hasn’t yet discovered the promotional boost Facebook offers, then you’re stuck in a rut while the traffic rushes by you on its way to other sites.

Amazing as it may seem, millions of people on Facebook are staying in touch with family, making new contacts and finding old friends again, even playing games, etc. People are devoting a lot of time to social networking, and during that time they could be looking at your product or service too. In this article we will try to analyze the various promotional ways you can use on Facebook and learn how this social network can actually help you market your business.

It is very easy to use Facebook’s Social Ads to market your service or merchandise. This service bears some similarities to Google Adwords, but also has many differences. This is the easiest method of using Facebook for marketing, and their setup is very user-friendly. You will be able to direct your company’s advertisements to a particular geographical region, age division, or interest. This will prevent your time and money being wasted by traffic that would have no real interest in your product or service. Your click through rates will improve and this means better, more loyal customers and many more sales that will help you make your business a profitable one.

There is also an option to supplement your advertisement with an image. Using images in advertising helps your ads get noticed faster and makes them more memorable too. You shouldn’t neglect to write effective ad copy either, as this is the crux of your ad’s value. Hire a professional to design your advertisement if you are not good at it. It needs to be superior in every aspect.

Also keep in mind that Facebook offers other ways to help you market your business, in addition to its Social Ads service. Ever seen the Facebook groups or pages? Ever clicked on one? You won’t find a better way to use your network to the fullest potential, and utilize viral marketing. All you have to do is make a page or Facebook group that provides info on your business. After you’ve done this, invite friends who will in turn invite their friends to join your group, or sign up with your business page as fans. You must have a group already established to invite people to join it. If you opt to build a fan page, then you cannot invite people to it. Thus, herding traffic there will be more challenging. But when you create such a strong presence on Facebook, it is bound to get you a good response on the long run.

You could consider Facebook to be a social network with meaning. It can really help you to get word of your product or service to your target demographic. Just keep experimenting and testing various options so you can find the Facebook success formula that works best for you.

Posted in: Facebook Marketing, Online Lead Generation