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Local Marketing Strategy Guaranteed To Crush Competition

October 14th, 2011 | Posted in: Google Places, Local Business Marketing, Search Engine Marketing, Search Engine Optimization

Just because there will continue to be more competition in your local market doesn’t mean you can’t still win big in this economy.


Secret Local Business Internet Marketing Formula

July 7th, 2011 | Posted in: List Building, Local Business Marketing, Search Engine Marketing

Revealed in the video above is the Secret Internet Marketing Formula for Local Businesses. Stray from this simple 3 Step Formula and you may be putting your business on a long frustrating path to acquiring new customers online. Not only will this formula help you understand exactly how to attract new customers for your local […]


Why Leverage Local Business Video Marketing

April 4th, 2011 | Posted in: Content Marketing, Local Business Marketing, Web Video

Anybody and everybody should use video. Everybody should be using video because they basically help you or your business or your website or your product or your service to be more visible and attract more potential customers. Over 3 billion videos get watched every day on YouTube and 70% of all Internet users watch videos. […]

Proven Local Marketing Strategies

Proven Local Online Traffic Sources All For Free [Take Advantage]

December 17th, 2010 | Posted in: Google Places, Local Business Marketing, Local SEO, Online Lead Generation, Search Engine Marketing

If you haven’t claimed your local maps listings on the 3 major search engines (Google, Bing and Yahoo), then you are absolutely leaving FREE money on the table. The truth of the matter is each local business has essentially a free ‘local lead generation’ website on each of the major search engines that allows you […]