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3 Effective Local SEO Tips to Get More Exposure

Local SEO is turning out to be the most wanted skill these days, especially with new companies launching location based services. There are many reasons why you would want to use local SEO but the biggest one is that it helps you tap into markets that are less competitive and highly responsive.

Irrespective of the type of business you run, you can always take advantage of local SEO because you can reach clients in your local area. Thus, you will be able to increase the new client leads for your company and reach highly targeted prospective clients. In this article, we will be analyzing three vital local SEO tactics that will help you rank in your targeted area for the keywords you choose.

Local Reviews Online
This might be news to you but negative reviews are a growing problem online. The best way to combat this is to regularly seek out new positive reviews from your clients. You should ask for reviews openly if you want your site to become well-known on a local level. Most sites on a local level are absolutely fine with you communicating with your customers and asking for a review. So why not take advantage of this simple idea?

It’s a matter of taking the time to ask your customers and the fastest way to do this is to gather client email addresses. This doesn’t mean you should be going out and asking people individually. You could put up a simple message like “If you could take the time to post a quick review of our company on Yahoo local/Google/Bing, we would greatly appreciate it.” You can post this request either in your email newsletters, on your website or on your thank you page, which people see after signing up for a newsletter or getting in touch with you. These reviews will increase the credibility of your business, which will bring you more customers in the future, regardless of whether they are good, bad or ugly.

Server Location for Local SEO
Having your site hosted on a server located in the area you are trying to rank for in the search engines is a great idea. Your SEO points will go up since the search engines will connect the server’s location to that of your site. So make sure you check your server’s location before you host your site, because it can make a huge difference. Local SEO has many components, and it is more specialized than general SEO work. Local SEO works extremely well for the right offline businesses, and if you feel it’s for your business – then get cracking on it and make it happen.

Local Search Keywords
When you also add location to your keywords, they become even more targeted. If you want to optimize your site efficiently then you need to make sure you spend enough time on keyword research and make sure you use the correct tools. Many businesses are enjoying more customer traffic simply because they used local SEO services or techniques. At least it’s not hard to do, and it really isn’t – you just need to learn from a reputable and accurate source. The other nice thing about this is it usually doesn’t take a great deal of time to experience exciting results. You can paint yourself in a corner if you suddenly start getting a lot of inquiries and extra business. You’ll be dealing with people from your area, so you’ll find that the experience is much better.

Posted in: Local Business Marketing, Online Lead Generation, Search Engine Optimization