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How to Get Skeptical Consumers to Buy From Your Business

skeptical consumers cured through testimonialsIf you’re looking for one strategy that is virtually guaranteed to instantly increase leads, customers and sales in your business, look no further. Here’s your answer: Testimonials.

Here’s the deal…

Too many people have been burned in the past from businesses who made empty promises causing consumers to feel like they were underserved. Well, because of all of these big promises with very few companies actually delivering the goods, the consumer has become skeptical.

It’s no longer the days of just stating on your website or any marketing piece for that matter that you’re the best in the industry and they should call you because you said so. And if you’re doing that in your marketing currently, then it might be a smart idea to make a few changes after you finish reading this post.

In order to succeed today and into the future online, you must leverage social proof to help your website visitors and prospects believe that you really can help them solve their problem.

And by far the most powerful form of social proof is a testimonial…

Look to gather testimonials in different formats (written, audio and video). Video is the most powerful because of how many different ways you can manipulate video, but the written testimonials still pack a solid punch that you can definitely leverage in your online and offline efforts.

The fact of the matter is when one of your clients or customers gives you a testimonial about how your business successfully helped them solve their problem and you share this with your audience, I bet there’s a good chance of someone who has the same or similar issue to the person giving the testimonial, will be giving your business a call to set an appointment, optin for more information or purchase something from you site.

It would also be very smart move to get testimonials about the different aspects of your business rather than just one part of your business. This is huge because it allows online searchers to see people having success with different aspects of your business and not just one of your services.

Always remember that people like to do business with people they know, like and trust and if your prospects see other people having success with your products or services, they will feel more inclined to think that you can help them with their current problem too.

Posted in: List Building, Local Business Marketing, Web Video, Website Development