Weak Content Stinks!
Weak, generic, boring content is not going to get anyone excited about what your local business has to offer. Actually, weak content can have a huge negative impact on your business’s online marketing efforts as well. Here’s how…
First, your website visitors are not going to be excited about the generic information that is on your website and because of that, the engagement statistics of your website will be down. This is a major boo-boo now adays especially when the ‘Engagement’ and ‘Viewership’ metrics tell the search engines a clear story. If your people do not stay on your website very long, the search engines will most likely think that your website is not giving a lot of value to those who visit your site.
In the search engines minds, they want to drown out boring, generic content that give little or no value and provide good, quality, relevant, unique content to hopefully make the end-user experience for their search engine users better.
This is how the search engines compete in the search engine game… get people to come back over and over because they had such a good experience ‘last time’ they were using their search engine.
And the best way for the search engines to do this is to deliver the searcher to unique, quality, relevant content that gives value (there’s that word again!)
Unique, high quality, relevant content in the form of text, videos, audios, images, that gives lots of ‘value’ to your target audience.
Your content is there to serve your specific market, so give them something that they can implement right away with success and force them to remember you and your business as the go-to resource in your specific market.
A good guideline in producing website content is making sure your web pages have a minimum of 500 words and blog posts are a minimum of 250 words. If you can generate content that’s longer than the minimums stated above, you will definitely appeal to the search engines better which should naturally boost your web rankings.
Some powerful Internet strategies that will help you deliver high quality, unique, relevant content are: blogging, video marketing, social media posts, article marketing, free reports, podcasts, press releases and more.
So when you’re creating content, provide real value to your target audience… teach them something they previously didn’t ‘know, and give them something where they can see immediate results. This type of effort pays off big time in the long run and you will be remembered and thanked for it time and time again.
Try it… I Dare Ya!