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The Social 6 Pack by Cogent Digital Agency will give your business the foundation it desperately needs when it comes to properly branding and optimizing your business's social properties online. Please fill out the entire Social 6 Pack Questionnaire below. The information you provide is the exact information our team of social media experts will use to set up your business's Social Media Accounts. IMPORTANT: When you complete the final question, be sure to click the "Start My Social 6 Pack Program" button to submit your information. ALSO IMPORTANT TO NOTE: This page will timeout after 30 minutes if there is no activity on this page. If you want to flll out your answers over an extended period of time, please work on your answers on an outside document such as Microsoft Word or Text Doc for Mac or Notepad for PC. Thank you for your cooperation. Dedicated to your Online Success, The Cogent Digital Agency TeamFREE Videos Reveal Simple, Proven Internet Strategies To Grow Your Local Business Now
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