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Google Penguin Update Leaves Some Websites Out In The Cold

April 30th, 2012 | Posted in: Google, Internet Marketing News, Local Business Marketing, Search Engine Optimization

Google’s latest algorithm update – dubbed the Google Penguin Update – has left a lot of business owners feeling a chill about their website rankings. The fact is, there are tons of website owners that will do just about anything to one-up the competition. They don’t care about right or wrong. They just want results. […]

google panda 3.4 update

Is Google Panda Update 3.4 Hurting Your Rankings?

March 29th, 2012 | Posted in: Internet Marketing News, Search Engine Optimization

The latest Google Panda Update has been carried out via Twitter on March 23rd 2012. If you have suddenly witnessed a drop in your website ranking on the giant search engine then you can safely conclude that it is because of the new Google Panda Update 3.4. On every occasion when Google Updates their algorithm […]

good tracking avoid a mess

Avoid this Deadly Internet Marketing Sin at ALL Costs!

November 29th, 2010 | Posted in: Email Marketing, Facebook Marketing, Online Lead Generation, Pay Per Click, Search Engine Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Tracking & Analytics

Tracking your marketing is incredibly vital to the overall success to any business, especially online. And when you incorporate a simple tool like Google Analytics in order to gather data about how people are finding your website, how long they are staying on your website and what pages they are visiting on your website, you […]