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Best Way to Stay In Front of Prospects and Customers

Follow Up MarketingFollow up marketing is a big, big deal when it comes to converting prospects to customers in your local business. Unfortunately, this powerful strategy typically gets put on the back burner by local and small businesses left and right.

The great thing about following up via the Internet is the web allows businesses to automate much of the sales process with tools like email autoresponder systems, automated webinars and even mobile SMS text message campaigns.

Once set up, these follow up tools can automate much of your sales funnel allowing you, the business owner, to have significantly more time to focus on the stuff you need to focus on, like running and growing your business.

Setting up a simple email follow up system that hits your prospects on a daily, weekly or monthly basis is a perfect example of “working smarter, not harder.” And this makes even more sense now since it typically takes 10+ touches for a prospect to actually make a buying decision.

So, if you’re currently reaching out to your interested prospects once or twice after you first come in contact with them hoping they come back your way for business, then right now may be the perfect time to incorporate a simple, yet powerful 24/7 follow up mechanism that does a lot of the heavy lifting (selling) for you. Remember, “work smarter, not harder.”

Learn more about staying in front of your prospects and customers more effectively and efficiently, when you visit Cogent Digital Agency’s follow up marketing service page right now.

If you’ve already taken the first steps and implemented an email autoresponder, what system do you use? Do you like the autoresponder system you’re using?

Posted in: Email Marketing, List Building, Local Business Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Online Lead Generation