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Facebook Social Plugins and Business

Facebook Social Plugins For Business Enhances Marketing

March 15th, 2012 | Posted in: Facebook Marketing, Local Business Marketing, Social Media Marketing

Ever wonder how to integrate your Facebook page with your business website, or any other entity you want to put a Facebook Like Button or a Facebook Like Box on. This video is going to show you all of the available social plugins for the social media giant. Facebook Business Social Plugins Video Tutorial […]

weak content

How to Naturally Increase Web Rankings

January 24th, 2011 | Posted in: Content Marketing, List Building, Online Lead Generation, Search Engine Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Website Development

Weak, generic, boring content is not going to get anyone excited about what your local business has to offer. Actually, weak content can have a huge negative impact on your business’s online marketing efforts as well. Here’s how… First, your website visitors are not going to be excited about the generic information that is on […]