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Category : Local Business Marketing

Follow Up Marketing

Best Way to Stay In Front of Prospects and Customers

March 9th, 2011 | Posted in: Email Marketing, List Building, Local Business Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Online Lead Generation

Follow up marketing is a big, big deal when it comes to converting prospects to customers in your local business. Unfortunately, this powerful strategy typically gets put on the back burner by local and small businesses left and right. The great thing about following up via the Internet is the web allows businesses to automate […]

dog yawns at boring marketing

Is Your Marketing Boring?

February 28th, 2011 | Posted in: Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Facebook Marketing, List Building, Local Business Marketing, Online Lead Generation, Social Media, Web Video

If you’re not sure if your marketing is boring, here’s a simple test: look and think about your business’s marketing pieces and campaigns. Now do the same with some of your competitor’s marketing materials. Do they look the same? If they do, this is probably not a good place to be.. Put yourself in your […]

Proven Local Marketing Strategies

Proven Local Online Traffic Sources All For Free [Take Advantage]

December 17th, 2010 | Posted in: Google Places, Local Business Marketing, Local SEO, Online Lead Generation, Search Engine Marketing

If you haven’t claimed your local maps listings on the 3 major search engines (Google, Bing and Yahoo), then you are absolutely leaving FREE money on the table. The truth of the matter is each local business has essentially a free ‘local lead generation’ website on each of the major search engines that allows you […]


Best Ways to Market Your Phoenix Business Offline

October 19th, 2010 | Posted in: Local Business Marketing

If you are an internet marketer it might seem logical that all of your marketing efforts and expenses would involve marketing online. You may, for example, have a considerable budget for search engine advertising, SEO services, banner ads or paying writers for articles. Has it ever crossed your mind that you might be able to […]


Using Twitter To Transform Your Business

July 19th, 2010 | Posted in: List Building, Local Business Marketing, Online Lead Generation

Maybe you’ve heard about driving targeted traffic to your business using Twitter? Online marketers are focusing their traffic generation efforts to social marketing sites like Twitter. This is simply due to the fact that Twitter is the world’s water cooler, or coffee stand, or favorite place to hang out. Social networking sites like Twitter enjoy […]


Secrets to Getting More Website Visitors

April 19th, 2010 | Posted in: Local Business Marketing, Online Lead Generation, Search Engine Optimization

The website is to a web marketer as a store is to the offline business. This is where you begin your serious relationship building efforts. You know how important it is to have a good website. But the site is only a one one part of the overall marketing process. You’ll also need to get […]


3 Effective Local SEO Tips to Get More Exposure

November 13th, 2009 | Posted in: Local Business Marketing, Online Lead Generation, Search Engine Optimization

There are many reasons why you would want to use local SEO but the biggest one is that it helps you tap into markets that are less competitive and highly responsive.